DP Software Product Registration


Register a product for the first time (create account)

You can only register each product serial number once. You choose your own ID/password. For Platinum products, registration gets you 2 years of access to the latest versions from date of purchase. After registration, your account will be reviewed and you will receive an email when it is approved. You can then login to get access to the update areas for your products or to change your details. You can also check for updates from the Help menu of Platinum versions using your chosen ID/Password.

Login to your approved registration account

Here you can update your details at any time and access the update page if you are within the free period or have purchased additional years or a subscription. You will not be able to access the updates until you have received an approval email.

Purchase additional years of access

This is the general purpose link for all Platinum programs. You then need to click on the link for the edition of the software that you have. If you access this page through your software (Purchase add-ons on the Help menu) you go directly to the correct page for your software.


Update page direct links

Go directly to Platinum and Platinum Plus Windows Update page

Go directly to Platinum Publisher Windows Update page

Go directly to Update page for Russian only version

This link takes you directly to the Platinum update page for Windows versions using a secure link if you currently have acces to it- requires your ID/Password

Go directly to Platinum Mac OS X Update page

This link takes you directly to the Platinum update page for MAC versions using a secure link if you currently have acces to it- requires your ID/Password

Go to Platinum Colours Update page

This requires an approved account but will still work if your access has expired.


User forums

Go to user forums

To post messages you need to register. This is separate to your software registration login or your online shop login. After registration you will get an automated email and you need to click the link in the email to confirm your identity and complete your registration. You can then post messages but your first post will not appear until it has been approved - this is to prevent spammers using automated scripts to post messages. Note you need to reply to the email within 2 days or your account may be deleted to prevent posting from automated scripts that are able to bypass the confirmation process.

You can subscribe to forums or messages to get emailed when there are new posts. Subscribe to announcements to get news from DP Software. Nobody else can post in that forum so you will not get bombarded with notices of replies.